Earth Axis: also referred to as polar axis, rotation about the size of the Earth's diameter is the imaginary line on which the Earth rotates and plays both poles this has an inclination of 23 degrees according to set horizon.

The North Pole and South Pole: are areas of the land area is encuntra ual at the ends of the earth's axis. The north pole is located in a depression in the earth's crust washed by the Arctic Ocean which has a slightly magnetic unclinado point east of the Earth's axis, while the South Pole in the Antarctic surface area and is bordered across the Arctic Ocean. The geographic poles are the ends of the earth and the magnetic axis are the points to which orients compasses devido a magnetic force.
Ecuador: is the plane perpendicular to the axis of rotation of a planet and passing through its center, is the maximum Cirules circle the earth and divides the world into two equal parts the northern hemisphere and the southern hemisphere.
Vertical: is the direction that a falling body is drawn by gravity toward the center of the earth which receives a certain inclination.
Parallel: smaller circles that Ecuador running parallel to it, these circles also are perpendicular to the axis of the Earth and its size is reduced as they approach the poles. (in red below)
Meridians: are the Lion which is perpendicular to Ecuador and parallel to the Earth's axis these are used to detrminad latitude parallel as well as altitude. (top amrillos)
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