the sixth planet is famous for its series of rings which they believed they were solid but time is known to be of different particles composisicion how cosmic dust, this is after the string next to jupiter asteroids this is a gas planet compuestto, this is the second largest planet in the solar system, it was believed that this would be the latter one planet by its distance to the sun, your name according to the Greeks adopted from the titan Kronos.
This is the only planet in the solar system to be less dense than water, that means that float on water and rtambien is capable of generating more heat to the heat that reaches the sun.
its magnetic field and its magnetosphere is much weaker than the planet Jupiter but still stronger than the other planets.
Your omposicision is similar to dejupiter is formed by gas and condensed gas in its core liquids become solid inluso this is a frozen interior composed of metal compounds and gas condensates.
Its atmosphere is similar formation that of Jupiter but in this there are streams of winds in excess of 450m / s to generate as thunderstorms climatic desadtres thousand times more powerful than the earth and it can see a mist envelope formed by chemical effects.
Estrutura and Composition:
Diameter ecuatorial1, 20536,108
Area ........................... 4.38 m 1016 m² Volume
· .................... 8.27 · 1023 m³
Mass ................. ........ 5.688 · Average density 1026 kg
......... 690 kg / m³
Gravity ................... 9 , 05 m / s ²
10h 13m 59s ..................... rotation
Hydrogen 93% Helium .................. .................... Methane
....... ...................... 5% 0.2% Water Vapor
......... 0.1% 0.01%
Ammonia .................. ................... Ethane ...... ...................... 0.0005% 0.0001% Phosphine
It is said that Saturn notendria an exact number of satellites since even in the year 200 were discovered but it is recorded as 46 satellites but the most remarkable for its size and composition are Mimas, Enceladus, Tethys, Dione, Rhea, Titan, Hyperion , Iapetus and Phoebe these elmas weird being the only important satelitre a serious atmosphere, Titan and Enceladus is the satellite which is believed to be liquid water inside is why they are the most important.
is the second largest moon in the solar system and the largest of Saturn's moons can fit misono asaturno sent was found to have Euna dense atmosphere composed of nitrogen like the land and the more methane hydrocarbons in the laager is encontroron methane and water ice, there was evidence that there is water mixed with ammonia and called cryovolcano volacan espoecie of which throws cold water with ammonia but the temperature of that satellite is talk of that liquid water that maybe it would be encontrace in frozen and condensed form of a 50% to 50% rock and ice.
also has a admosfera to more dense than Earth's only with lack of oxygen but with a high level of methane which gives a reddish-green color.
Saturn's rings:
are on a planet which is famous for his unique thought Nla which until the discovery of the rings of Jupiter and Uranus, but the appeal of these is its size and shape dict that is formed by a set of rings which are divided into three main rings ring internal and external Cenral image is perceived in the distribution of these rings of A, B, C are the most important.
sediments previously thought would be the same planet due to lack of technology since Galileo did not have a powerful telescope they were discovered later by a more powerful telescope, now known which are made from cosmic dust and water ice in between gases and other components. These rings give the Ecuador vuielta around Saturn, is said to be around the same ring there is an atmosphere of oxygen, hydrogen and other gases.
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