This is the seventh planet with respect to its proximity to the sun is one or PlanetRead gas giant formation the third largest. This was discovered by William Herschel as a supposed star which after using a more sophisticated telescope is called if it was a planet that is a blue-green coloration which occurs because the atmosphere composed of Meano attracted to light give this coloration.
This is the formation of the composite core is frozen and gas liquids is also a frozen planet by the distance to the sun but it maintains its temperature due to the effects of heat emanating from the nucleus, ta gas is formed but its nucleus is condensed.
Its atmosphere:
consists entirely of hydrogen 98% and 2% methane this planet has a particular character which is that it has a inclinaion too long which was believed was because of a collision with another celestial body, we now know is because of its magnetic force which generates it from tipping actually knew because it perceives a queue is a kind of swirl hemisphere as well as their rotation would look.
This planet also has alos saurno different rings and Jupiter because they are Comulo cosmic dust crystals and these are menos visibles que los de saturno y jupiter pero son existenses y menos densos tambien.

Estructura y composicion:
Masa ...............................8.686e+25
Masa ................................1.4535e+01
Densidad media............... 1.29gm/cm3
Distancia a el Sol ..............2,870,990,000km
Hidrógeno .........83%
Helio ...................15% ............... 2% Methane
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