
is the first planet in relation to the distance from the sun is also the smallest planet in the solar system, this planet antigumaente was called by the Greeks as Apollo the messenger of the gods when it was visible by day and to be seen at night as hermades.
TRAINING; is said that the formation of mercury happens after that is hit by an object from space desintengrando much of its total area being only the core.
Mercury is one of the rocky planets with the highest metal consentracion because its composition is 70% metal 30% silicates in the solar system may trambien the planet more dense. The translational and rotational speed have become increasingly divided to a slower influence of the sun in their movements.
mercury also may amanesca the same day as they agree to translation and rotation time may be of as amanesca darkening at the same point.
There is talk of mercury would have a small atmosphere formed by potassium and sodium, shape of the surface mariner10 photos of Mercury has a wing-like surface of the Moon is full of craters is known about mercury through the exploration of the Mariner10 satellite which took pictures of mercury until it ran out of gas.
composition: ....................... 70% 30% metal silicates
:............................. diameter 4,879,4 km
mass: 3.302 x 10000000000000000000000 ................................. (10 to 23)
temp. where da sun: 430 º C .........
temp. where the sun does not :....- 160 º C
Translating :......................... 88 days
Rotacon :............................ 59 days
Mercury's core is 47% of its total mass.
Its strength of attraction is 1% with respect to the Earth's layers so it is not to have satellites.

is the second planet in relation to wing distance to the sun, this is named after moon goddess was the goddess of love is the only planet with female name. Just as the sun venus influenced much in the ancient civilizations Due to its proximity and is one of the three stars that you could see in the morning and evening, this planet is also known as the brightest star in the evening after the moon.
This planet is compared to the earth because of their similar characteristics in both its composition and in its dimencion, it was said that at the beginning of the creation of Venus had water as well as the land but the sercania devido sun it was evaporated by the heat because its atmosphere is 96% carbon dioxide thus creating an incredible greenhouse.
planet rock composition is also in fact the planet with over mountain ranges of the solar system after the Earth, also has a great volcanic activity.
12,103,6 km diameter :...................
mass : .. ...................... 4869 x 1000000000000000000000 (10 to 24)
dencidad: ............ ......5.24g/cm3
gravity :................... 8.87m/s2
temp. of .............. 45.15 º C to 499.85 ls º C
This consists of:
carbon dioxide 96% ..
................... 3% nitrogen
............ 088% noble gases
sulfur dioxide 0.015% .....
steam ....... .... 0.02%
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