agree is the fifth planet in the distance to the Sun, the first is the string after asteroid this is consideerado well as Uranus, Neptune and Saturn as a planet since its formation gas consists mostly of gases such as helium hidriogeno and this planet is named after the god almighty Zeus from Greek mythology.
Jupiter is a gaseous plant compositions which is frozen because of the distance from the Sun therefore has no stable structures is so great that if sumac all bodies of the solar system planets JOINING deveria of 2.44 times. Itself is 1302 times greater than the planet surface is bigger, heavier and more massive in the solar system.
its rotation speed is approximately 10 am this also makes it the second body in the solar system more `des magnetic force as the sun. That generates the magnetic force thereof is very high towards causing a lot of salelites to which this phenomenon attracts and alos cuale onServer in orbit as would be the Trojan asteroids asteroids chain.
Mancha red horizontal Clouds and Rings:
Well this famous Great Red Spot on Jupiter is more than a cyclonic effect happens in the atmosphere of this planet is a weather event which has 2.3 times the size of the earth.
. Formerly it was thought that this male was the tip of a huge mountain that went beyond the clouds
. As the stain clouds that seem to appreciate the cuaes bands are said to consist of crystals amomniaco sulfur and phosphorus even so he would give the red color.
Structure jupiter:
coposicion is a gas on its surface which in the nucleus to the precione devido exercised could be solid as L. A. would be but the atmosphere is formed by a 87% hydrogen and 13% helium the main elements that form a star which are the lighter gasses.
. was also found that this planet has a very low number of rings which do not allow them to be as visible, which are formed by dust that probably comes from its satellites and is shaped between the satellites, but is extended 6500km and is in the middle.
Diameter :.............. 142.984 km
Mass :................... 1.899 1000000000000000000000000000 x (10 to 27) k
Density g/cm3 :............. 1:33
Gravedad :............ 23.12m / s
9h 55min Speed \u200b\u200b:.............
translation :........... 11 years with 314 days
Satellites :.............. 21 satellites (but importntes Io, Europa, Callisto)
Io and Europa:
is a natural satellite of Jupiter which is the closest on this moon was discovered in 1610 by Simon Marius and Galileo Galilei. It has a volcanic activity generated by the deformation produced by the moons Europa and Ganymede generating the deformation of the same haiendo so eruptions.
. Io temperature is -143 º C and maximum temperature is only in a cul stain appears to be a lava lake is about 17 º C. This is made up of rocky material and some iron this moon also acts as a generator since each is attracted to Jupiter generates a repelling force of 400,000 volts in Ecuador thus generating a magnetic field.
Io Features:
Mass ....................................... ......
8.94e +22 Mass (Earth = 1) 1.4960e-02 ......................... Equatorial
Radio. .........................
1.815 km equatorial radius (Earth = 1 )......... 2.8457e-01
Density Media ...........................3.55gm/cm3
Mean distance from Jupiter ....... 421.600 km
Rotational period. ...................... 1.769138 days
Mass ....................................... ......
8.94e +22 Mass (Earth = 1) 1.4960e-02 ......................... Equatorial
Radio. .........................
1.815 km equatorial radius (Earth = 1 )......... 2.8457e-01
Density Media ...........................3.55gm/cm3
Mean distance from Jupiter ....... 421.600 km
Rotational period. ...................... 1.769138 days
In contrast to Europe and a moon with an atmosphere pequexa which is also cold in nuy which could also pose a aver water is frozen or cold moon without volcanic precencia or relief as well be said of the existence of a possible Tues

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