Earth moves is difficult to accept because we can not but notice these movements happen however if as in this case the Rotation:
Is the movement that made the Earth or other celestial body to turn on its axis.
The earth revolves around an imaginary axis every 24 hours. Their rotation is from west to east, and this is the reason why the Sun and stars appear to move from east to west during the day and night
$ Day solar time taken for the same meridian to appear in front of the Sun takes: 23horas, 48m, 54s.
$ Day sidereal time it takes the same meridian to appear before a star or celestial body: it takes 23 hours, 56m, 4s.
$ civil Day: This takes 24 hours + I am a dad to avoid the use of different days and to avoid problems)
Day and night
$ temperature changes
time change or time
time change or time
Compass Rose (magnetic compasses )
celestial landscape $ Compass Rose (magnetic compasses )
Coriolis Force
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