
is an object so far away from the sun but still understood within the solar system after the orbit of Neptune and Pluto after it was discovered at an observatory on Mount Palomar in 2004 is considered a dwarf planet or planetoid.
Located at a distance of 90AU from the sun is of a diameter of approximately 1800 km is a planetoid of 75% the size of Pluto which received its name by being frozen beasts living in the Arctic Ocean according to the myths of the Eskimos generated the provacion planetoid to decide what are and are not planets that plutons A planetoid became its high in size.
Due to the remoteness of the sun its temperature always lies below -240 ยบ C and it is said that if the sun from sedna Vieco would look like a small star.

is a planetoid located in the chain of asteroids with the largest dimension of all objects Aque up the chain of asteroids ocupandocasi third of the total mass of the entire chain, some time was considered as a planet even the astronomical reprecentaciones but finally registered today as a dwarf planet in the solar system.
Size ............... 975 × 909 km
Mass ........ 9.5 × 1020 kg ....................
Density ..................... 2 , 08 g/cm3
Gravity .................... ............... 0.27 m/s2 Rotation
0.3781 ........ days

is the second largest asteroid in the asteroid belt, since the former is Ceres, called the Greek goddess wisdom.
was descubireto by Heinrich Wilhelm Olbers on March 28, 1802.
With the discovery of this, it was speculated that there must be a planet between Mars and Jupiter, but the astronomer Kiyotsugu Hirayama said it was an asteroid, and reported three asteroids associated with shovels, who called Family Pallas using the name of the largest object in the group.

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