has an approximate age of 5000 million years, it is said that birth occurs due to formation of different components which were cosmic dust and gases, it is said that their training was more than 5000 million years and being a star in mind almost half of his life that will go off but after generated by a huge explosion which will turn it into a white dwarf star and so on until it is extinguished and cool totalmente.Claro this will happen in 5000 million years.
Composition: "Due to the heat the sun is in a state of plasma."
27% hydrogen. Helio
2% ..... (Carbono.oxigeno, nitrogen, iron, silicon, magnesium, sulfur)
layers of the sun are:
Core: is what would be a fifth of the total mass of 139.000 km measured sun is here where the sun produces energy, and nuclear thermal events occur which the hydrogen is the contact core temperature which is 15 million ° C is transformed into helium at this layer could be called as the heart of the sun.
Photosphere : also known as "sphere of light" is the second layer is the center of the sun out and measures 320 km in thickness which is at a temperature of 6000 º C in this layer is where we see the light emitted by the sun is said to be transparent because the sun is in a gaseous state. It is strange where the sunspots.
Chromosphere: is the third layer is the photosphere then this also is but much more transparent than the photosphere, that layer is what makes us interpret the sun is of a reddish hue as in this layer may eclipse and tone that gives it red.
Solar Corona: this layer is formed by layers of the solar atmosphere in this layer read temperature is higher due to an effect of thermal envelope in which condenses the heat away from the photosphere is layer is only visible during an eclipse or a device called coranógrafo as it is very bright.
"·$%& STRANGE "·$%&"
Solar Storm:

is said that every 11 years years the sun is placed in a state of maximum activity which is when the sun gives off too much radiation and so-called solar wind and activity on it. This generates a large amount of radiation which affect up communications, electrical systems and equipment found on earth, estimated that by the year 2011, of solar storms in previous years if the solar radiation generated electrical failures and communications facilities.
sunspots are large parts that are seen as dark spots with diameters larger than the diameter of the earth where temperatures are lower than the sun's surface, it is said that the origin of these spots is a "MYSTERY "
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