Friday, October 24, 2008

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nutation, Precision and Equinox

nutation and Precision


Introduction: The wobble was discovered in 1728 by the English astronomer James Bradley and released in 1748. Up to 20 years later no one knew that the cause of this extra movement of Earth's axis was the gravitational pull exerted by the Moon.
Definition: De "Nute" means head or rock. This is the oscillation axis Earth caused by the attraction lunar, and l axis of rotation of the Earth makes around the axis of the ecliptic, a circular cone appears as an undulating path that changes the obliquity of the plane.
Cause: That the celestial poles are approaching or moving away from the axis of the ecliptic, and to alter briefly retrogradation of the equinoxes and the movement of the celestial landscape.


Definition: This is a movement of the Earth and is produced by the gravitational effects of Sun and Moon on
Ecuado r trying to put the Earth's axis perpendicular to the ecliptic.

There are two types of precession: the precession due to torques and free precession torques.
The precession of the equinoxes is the movement that originates in the earth and travel which is the axis of rotation of the Earth Stiene an inclination of 23 ° 27 'on the wing perpendicular to the plane of its orbit, llamdo ecliptic, the inclination Earth's axis causes the tropics and polar circles.

Equinox: time of year when the days are equal to the nights, it happens two times a year, 21 March and 23 September. that the two poles of the earth are equal distance from the sun, falling as sunlight in the hemispheres N and S.
Solstice: time of year when the days last longer than the nights, it happens two times a year June 21 and December 21 in which the December solstice Enlighten is over the South Pole and North Pole on June anochese not at the poles during this period.

Monday, October 20, 2008

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Introduction: Formerly obladores wended their ancient civilizations each particular strategic points in time due to temperature changes every few minutes following eSATA wings so years fleeing always warm winter, and already had a route of movements which take place every particular time.

Definition: translation is the movement that made the Earth around the Sun gravitational attracted to a particular orbit, is to orbit the sun.

tropical or solar year: time it takes Earth to circle the Sun and present the same meridian: 365 D, 5 hrs, 48min, 46s.

Sidereal Year: time it takes the Earth to present after a spin in the same meridian orbit about a star : 365 D, 6 hrs, 9min, 10sec.

Calendar year: 365 days

Leap Year: 366 days (every four years, this February has 29 days)


$ Change the size of the Sun (as seen)

$ Change skyscape

$ Seasons

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Earth moves is difficult to accept because we can not but notice these movements happen however if as in this case the Rotation:

Is the movement that made the Earth or other celestial body to turn on its axis.

The earth revolves around an imaginary axis every 24 hours. Their rotation is from west to east, and this is the reason why the Sun and stars appear to move from east to west during the day and night

$ Day solar
time taken for the same meridian to appear in front of the Sun takes: 23horas, 48m, 54s.

$ Day sidereal time it takes the same meridian to appear before a star or celestial body: it takes 23 hours, 56m, 4s.

$ civil Day: This takes 24 hours + I am a dad to avoid the use of different days and to avoid problems)


Day and night

$ temperature changes
time change or time
Compass Rose (magnetic compasses )

$ Change

celestial landscape


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Deviation of falling bodies

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Rotation wise to


thermal zones are areas where the temperature varies Due to the rotation of the Earth, because not everywhere the same amount of sunlight and therefore the same heat higher or lower. The temperature in Ecuador is the masalta and decreases as it approaches the poles, which is why there five thermal zones:

torrid or tropical zone (there are 2)

is bounded by the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn, and the same thing which is right in the center of the planet is the warmest of all.

temperate zones (only 1)

These limited to the tropics and polar circles (ie found between the two areas) for This is a not very cold or very hot, two temperate zones, one north and one south.

glacial areas (there are 2)

are those that are farther away, where the sun's rays impact therefore have the lowest temperature recorded on Earth, these areas are bounded by glacial cirque. There are two, Antarctica and the Arctic south to the north.

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lines, dots and circles the Earth imagery of the Earth


Earth Axis: also referred to as polar axis, rotation about the size of the Earth's diameter is the imaginary line on which the Earth rotates and plays both poles this has an inclination of 23 degrees according to set horizon.

The North Pole and South Pole:
are areas of the land area is encuntra ual at the ends of the earth's axis. The north pole is located in a depression in the earth's crust washed by the Arctic Ocean which has a slightly magnetic unclinado point east of the Earth's axis, while the South Pole in the Antarctic surface area and is bordered across the Arctic Ocean. The geographic poles are the ends of the earth and the magnetic axis are the points to which orients compasses devido a magnetic force.

Ecuador: is the plane perpendicular to the axis of rotation of a planet and passing through its center, is the maximum Cirules circle the earth and divides the world into two equal parts the northern hemisphere and the southern hemisphere.

Greenwich Meridian: Prime Meridian is the imaginary of our planet is the imaginary semicircle that connects the poles, is used as the prime meridian or meridian, it is from him that the lengths are measured, as the reference meridian will corresponds to zero length and is called also as prime meridian.

Tropics: Ecuador are parallel to and distant from it 23 ° 27 ', the tropic of cancer located in the north and in Capricorn the south.
polar Circles: far are parallel and 66 ° 33 'of Ecuador, the Arctic Circle is on the north and the Antarctic to the South. The Arctic Circle is one of five major parallel Earth and the Antarctic polar circle it is also one of the five main terrestrial parallel.

Vertical: is the direction that a falling body is drawn by gravity toward the center of the earth which receives a certain inclination.

Parallel: smaller circles that Ecuador running parallel to it, these circles also are perpendicular to the axis of the Earth and its size is reduced as they approach the poles. (in red below)

Meridians: are the Lion which is perpendicular to Ecuador and parallel to the Earth's axis these are used to detrminad latitude parallel as well as altitude. (top amrillos)

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The importance of the tropics


TROPICS: word that comes from the Greek and means to turn back, so at the equinoxes, the sun appears returned.

the northern hemisphere tropics. Is the parallel at approximately latitude 23 º 26 'north of the imaginary line delimits Ecuador.Esta points north where the sun gets to shine from the zenith (directly above the site), which occurs between 20 and 21 June each year, which is referred to as the June solstice. In the instant case the June solstice, the sun's rays fall vertically on the ground in the imaginary line of the hemisphere tropics norte.Se called "Cancer" because in ancient times, when there was solstice Summer in the northern hemisphere, the sun was in the constellation Cancer.

is the Southern Hemisphere tropics. Is the parallel current at a latitude of about 2 3 º 26 'south of Ecuador.Esta imaginary line delimits the southernmost point where the sun can take the zenith (directly above the site) at noon at the Tropic of Capricorn, Therefore, sunlight falling vertically to the ground in the instant case the December solstice, which occurs between 21 and 22 diciembre.El Tropic of Capricorn marks the southern limit of the Zona Intertropical between the tropics of Capricorn and Cáncer.Se called "Capricorn" because in ancient times, when there was the winter solstice in the northern hemisphere, the sun was Capricornio.Geografía constellation

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Carionte Pluto and the Sun

Pluto and Charon
Why do some astronomers think about Pluto and Charon to be a system of two planets?

Charon is said would be the only satellite of Pluto because it orbits very close to that but other astronomers have tried to see with a mysterious movement which carried both Pluto and Charon both because these bodies of masses and small DIMENSIONS around an invisible center llamao furerza centroid created from a mass created by themselves while orbiting around the sun can say that the centroid is who is the orbit around the Sun and therefore also Pluto and Charon.
Both Pluto and Charon are considered almost like twin planets as their composition and structure are the same only varies a little of their dimension and that the crust of Pluto is equal to Charon but not its core.
. Even
Charon is considered as a satellite of Pluto as a lack of evidence to say they are a single system or even that these two would be a double planmeta.

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it was believed that the earth was flat even as viewing square in the distance saw the end of which reaches to see the view to the horizon terminace in an edge which is clearly false .
The first philosopher to show that this theory was false Eratosthenes was a great philosopher, mathematician, cartographer, poet, writer, among other professions. He was the director of the massive Library of Alexandria founded by Alexander the Great in Egypt in this realiozo his studies and experiments ..
. Eratosthenes
entered confusion to hear that in Aswan it was said that on the longest day of the year the shadow of a column did not generate an angle that is shaded from the sun light in that column ensima impacted thus generating a column without a shadow, in contrast to generating a shadow Alexandria lateral spine; Eratosthenes realized that for this to happen the earth would have to be spherical then sent a person to measure the distance between that column and the column located in Alexandria. A method for calculating this measurement came to the conclusion that if the earth was round and bring its size to 40,000 km which only had one error today's 2.000 km.
After the deduction was reached by Isacc Newton HEC could not be spherical but flattened at the poles spherical devido the effect of rotation of the Earth and who conducted an experiment to test the theory of Isaac Newton was Antonio Plateau with a rotation experiment consists of oil floating in water.
. Finally
far as is known that the Earth is actually a form of Geoid which means "way of the Earth" this means that the correct form of the earth is an ellipsoid in an irregular manner devido to form elevations and geological .

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In this regard the sun is the source that provides and sustains life on Earth is the Sun would not exist without life, as a planet would be frozen for lack of warmth and life on Earth needs a daily amount Solar radiation is the taambien live and makes other applications as would be: water heaters, solar cookers, solar generators etc.
Among the various reasons why you need the Earth to the Sun are:
  • The water cycle: the sun provides the water evaporates, condenses as it rises in clouds from the atmospheric pressure which is altered by solar heat.

  • processes of photosynthesis in plants: The sun's rays have an important role in the process of photosynthesis as in their feeding as they depend largely on a cannot. sunlight.

  • temperature changes: As the sun who gives warmth to keep us from a freeze, and since then the role of land is the one who generates the heat can not escape making a sort of sheath with its atmosphere as well as sunlight impact at different points according to seasons are changing climate.
  • .
  • Winds and creation of natural phenomena and different helping and affecting weather precipitation as applicable to humans.

  • Seasons: As climate changes due to the inclination of the earth and its movements are didtintos seasonal changes agree to the distance from the sun which would be: Spring, Fall , Winter and Summer.

  • Solar storms: are ESOL effects of the land on which occur every eleven years. this is generated by an increase in solar radiation which in turn creates exes n land solar rays which affect electrical appliances, communications and various principalmenete problemaselctricos.
  • .
  • Weather: most important factor is the time and that gives us the morning light which allow us to divide our activities and to dawn and dusk respect to the appearance of the sun. This together with the rotation gives us to understand that time is controlled by day and night and this respect to the rotation of the Earth.

All this thanks to its important location because if FUECA more or less near or far from the sun its composition vary too much like life on Earth. It is still referred to as the planet with the most heavenly climate because it has an average temperature of 15 º C which allows the life of comfort without such extreme climates as the other planets. This causes the sun is generated through a life cycle tenindo why all life on earth steadily for example because: sunrise / anochese, hot / cold.
as the sun needs covered for life on Earth would be: Light, Heat, Power plants, Nutrition in plants and amphibians, Ubiicacion, Time, edl nitrogen cycles and water, among which are the rates to life.