Friday, March 18, 2011

Star Wars Pinewood Derby Cars Templates


The world of chance and the "coincidences" can also have tragic trim. At least, that was the case that occurred in Hamilton (Bermuda) in 1975, when a young man named Lawrence Ebbin Erskin made a bad maneuver driving a small motorcycle and went crashing into a taxi, with such consequences that died.

When police arrived on the scene found the driver and his passenger visibly altered. And with good reason: exactly one year ago, the same driver driving the same passenger had crashed into a motorcycle, the young man who died was driving .

For both men, then, the sorry episode was a deja-vu of an event already had lived.
But there was something more rugged yet: when police found the boy's identity, it was found that brother who had died in the accident last year . And if the "coincidences" were not enough, the bike was the same and both brothers died of the same age , 17.

Enough is enough.


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