Thursday, March 24, 2011

Can You Use Lemon Pledg

We talked several times to our friend Anna Chapman, example of career changes if any. It started as
spy and was not very good (half Chambon, must be said). Then reinvented himself as sexy model, pulling some nice pics for Maxim magazine (that did very well).

Then, we tell the good Anita was preparing to start a career in television presenter, which eventually did. The program is proving a complete success, based on certain cases of paranormal and mysterious events which, invariably, the Chapman is a logical explanation for everything.

Their role is something like that of''devil's advocate ", dedicated to exposing alleged fraud.
One of the recent cases was speaking of a child who suffered from a strange phenomenon: in his body appeared drawn marks that were not nothing but verses from the Koran .

This phenomenon would have begun in 2009, when the child was born in Dagestan, a republic that integrates the Russian Federation. And it would not have been an old wives' tale, if it were not happening continued, was endorsed by religious authorities and came to be regarded almost as a miracle .

Miracles are not very suitable to the political authorities, especially if they occur in the context of a religion as busy as today is Islam. Therefore, someone had to open the jar and cameras to show that it was a fraud. That someone turned out to be Anita .

Faster than lightning, Chapman went to the scene, the creature was tried under dermatologically tested (to confirm that their parents are those who write in your body) and the refusal, denounced the whole case as an egregious fraud. Rumour
was an errand done for and on behalf of Russian officialdom, whose party has joined our friend Anita recently.

Add to this that the girl patented his name as a trademark would designer space suits and even launched its own website, can see here . Invoice

the Rusita .


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