Sunday, April 24, 2011

What Did Qin Shi Huangdi Invent

By chance came to discover something interesting: all iPhone and iPad 3G that are held by users from July 2010 to date, collect the geographic location of the person (ie: keep tracking data).

addition, when the user connects the device to your computer, transfer the relevant file (identified as "consolidated.db") to your PC automatically. This file is not encryption key is not so that anyone could access it, copy it, etc.

The data collected indicate latitude and longitude of apparatus, and a time stamp indicating the exact time . The security experts who discovered this cake have not yet been determined whether the file is in turn picked up by a server when the user connects to the Internet.

reactions were immediate: several groups demonstrated annoying users via the Internet, believing that an invasion to privacy.
With regard to the media, it seems that are keen not to mess with the Apple company : most ignored the news while others simply report that it is "software error" (without indicating in any case where they get is an error.)

Anyway, there seems little basis for believing that this is a mistake: the fact that the migrated file when the user moves from one model to another indicates that intentional.
addition, it appears that the " terms and conditions of use "on iTunes (a text of 15,000 words that no one reads) is a clear reference to Apple's right to collect such information.

Why and for what they want this information is something that is unclear. Although the real question is: what will follow?


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