Sunday, November 23, 2008

Shooting Neck Pains Left Side

geological map projections

Map Projection

Maps are the source of information graphically represented in any study of the earth's surface, referring to the shapes, sizes representing a wide preccentandolos as drawings of the forms which are:

cylindrical projection: the projection that consists of wrapping the earthly sphere to a cylinder. This projection is very important for marine navigation, but the cons of this projection generate the points desasimetricos are away to Ecuador, as well as being a flat projection Ecuador and the parallel measure the same and losparalelos not bind the poles.

conic, is placed on the side of a hemisphere, a cone which supports the circumference of its base in a parallel, but only represents one hemisphere and the regions near the Ecuador will distort .

polar projection: the projection plane is supported from a pole hemisphere or even any point which projects a circle where the center of it is that he relies on a specific point on earth.

Homolosedoinal Representation: Represents the total land area of \u200b\u200ban ellipse divided into several segments. The size and shape of the continents appear with great accuracy but the disadvantage is that they lose continuity deform the oceanic areas.

Projection elliptical: is given in the formof an ellipsoid.


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