volcanism occurs when the molten material inside the Earth comes to the surface through cracks, crevices and holes. In this material coming out is called lava, is characterized by rapidly cools and releases its dissolved gases. Moreover, some of the high-temperature minerals formed building and separated from the magma. According to the viscosity of the material, vary the characteristics of the volcanic eruption. The basic material, characterized by high temperature, approximately 1000/1200 ° C, its low content of silica, its high fluidity and rapid release of gases causes non-explosive eruptions. On the contrary, give rise to eruptions dominated the liquid fraction or lava.

The Volcanology is the science of volcanic phenomena, structures and formasoriginan these phenomena.
Volcano: An opening in the earth's crust where they exit from the magma igneous material.
Types or stages of eruption:
-Hawaiian: slow eruption, no explosion or earthquake occurs, fluid magma ejected.
-Strombolian: Explosions not very violent, less fluid magma is expelled with difficulty.
-Vulcan: Causes for the big loud explosions pressure exerted by gases, thick, viscous lava, lava pulverized volcanic ash and gas clouds dark.
-shovel: Eruptions with strong earthquakes, lots of hot gases and highly viscous lava.
-Irish: It's where several volcano is on a crack.
volcanic eruptions:
-Magma: incandescent material inside the Earth that is surfacing becomes lava.
-Gases: Water vapor, nitrogen, sulfur dioxide, carbon dioxide and hydrogen. Proclástico
-Material: pieces of rocks at high temperature-, oval-volcanic bombs, smaller-slag.
-ash and volcanic dust: When are compacted tuffs.
= secondary volcanic manifestations, are given in the terminal phase.
-Vents: constant discharge of water vapor and other gases.
-Solfatara: Greenhouse gas high in hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide. -Skunks: Emissions of gases containing a large amount of carbon dioxide.
-Geysers: Jets of steam and hot Agau resulting in a volcano.
-Hot Springs: Hot springs containing various mineral salts.
Types of volcanoes:
-Inactive: Extinct volcanoes that pose no volcanic manifestaacion for thousands of years.-Active: Volcanoes with constant volcanic manifestation.
Reliefs of volcanic origin and volcanic areas:
volcanic regions are related to the oceanic ridges and subduction zones formed by plate tectonics. In these areas there is a greater number of volcanic manifesstciones and these are given the name of fire belts.
* Belts "Pacific Ring of Fire.
* Ring of Fire in the Mediterranean.
* Ring of Fire Atlantic Ridge. * Harnessing
volcanic activity:
* Agriculture: The volcanic ash fertilized the land.
* Geothermal Energy: Geothermal harness the Earth's internal heat.
* Resorts: springs are formed that contain minerals that are used for medicinal purposes.