Tuesday, November 25, 2008

How Meadco Scriptx Do It



The Greeks called the fire god Vulcan, hence the name came from volcanism (volcanic activity) and is a phenomenon that involves the passage of molten rock or magma with gas emissions.

volcanism occurs when the molten material inside the Earth comes to the surface through cracks, crevices and holes. In this material coming out is called lava, is characterized by rapidly cools and releases its dissolved gases. Moreover, some of the high-temperature minerals formed building and separated from the magma. According to the viscosity of the material, vary the characteristics of the volcanic eruption.
The basic material, characterized by high temperature, approximately 1000/1200 ° C, its low content of silica, its high fluidity and rapid release of gases causes non-explosive eruptions. On the contrary, give rise to eruptions dominated the liquid fraction or lava.

The Volcanology is the science of volcanic phenomena, structures and formasoriginan these phenomena.
Volcano: An opening in the earth's crust where they exit from the magma igneous material.

Types or stages of eruption:

-Hawaiian: slow eruption, no explosion or earthquake occurs, fluid magma ejected.

-Strombolian: Explosions not very violent, less fluid magma is expelled with difficulty.

-Vulcan: Causes for the big loud explosions pressure exerted by gases, thick, viscous lava, lava pulverized volcanic ash and gas clouds dark.

-shovel: Eruptions with strong earthquakes, lots of hot gases and highly viscous lava.
-Irish: It's where several volcano is on a crack.

volcanic eruptions:
-Magma: incandescent material inside the Earth that is surfacing becomes lava.

-Gases: Water vapor, nitrogen, sulfur dioxide, carbon dioxide and hydrogen. Proclástico
-Material: pieces of rocks at high temperature-, oval-volcanic bombs, smaller-slag.

-ash and volcanic dust: When are compacted tuffs.

= secondary volcanic manifestations, are given in the terminal phase.

-Vents: constant discharge of water vapor and other gases.

-Solfatara: Greenhouse gas high in hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide.
-Skunks: Emissions of gases containing a large amount of carbon dioxide.

-Geysers: Jets of steam and hot Agau resulting in a volcano.

-Hot Springs: Hot springs containing various mineral salts.

Types of volcanoes:
-Inactive: Extinct volcanoes that pose no volcanic manifestaacion for thousands of years.-Active: Volcanoes with constant volcanic manifestation.

Reliefs of volcanic origin and volcanic areas:
volcanic regions are related to the oceanic ridges and subduction zones formed by plate tectonics. In these areas there is a greater number of volcanic manifesstciones and these are given the name of fire belts.
* Belts "Pacific Ring of Fire.
* Ring of Fire in the Mediterranean.
* Ring of Fire Atlantic Ridge. * Harnessing
volcanic activity:
* Agriculture: The volcanic ash fertilized the land.
* Geothermal Energy: Geothermal harness the Earth's internal heat.
* Resorts: springs are formed that contain minerals that are used for medicinal purposes.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

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Earth's internal structure.


From eighteenth century, geology became a central issue for scientists, who, with the development of new and increasingly sophisticated instruments, able to provide increasingly accurate data. Until the late twentieth century with the arrival of new and more accurate theories, such as "plate tectonics", geology underwent a major boost.
"Geodynamics: studies the changes and movements of the crust.
" Historical Geology: Study succession of geological time.
"Geology applied: Studies and analyzes surface and subsurface resources.
"Geophysics: studied physical phenomena occurring in the atmosphere.
To study the structure of the earth, scientists have developed new direct and indirect methods.
Direct methods are generally used in the search for minerals in soil and subsoil, and indirect costs are those that use seismic waves to create reliefs model for the study of formaaciones and structures.
With this type studies, has succeeded in concluding with the theory that suggests that Earth is comprised of internal layers and layers externas.Las inner layers are composed of very hot and heavy materials such as iron and nickel. These are divided into core, mantle and discontinuities.

The nucleus: With a temperature between 3000 and 5500 º C, which in turn can be divided into two parts, outer and inner core. The inner core, which scientists believe is strong and is comprised almost entirely of iron. And the outer core, which by contrast is believed to be liquid and is composed of iron and nickel. The transition zone between both, could be what makes up the planet's magnetic field.

Mantle: is very large and is just below the crust, covering discontinuities Mohorovicic Gutenberg and is divided in two. The outer mantle contains lava pits (which emerges from the volcano), have different temperatures and densities, in addition to performing constant movements that lead to fracture or failure of the plates in the earth's crust. And the inner mantle, consists of small stones formed by iron and magnesium, so it is a solid body, and the deeper, more iron it contains.

The crust: is the uppermost layer of the planet, she finds the ocean floor and plate tectonics; understood from the discontinuity of Mohorovicic and even the atmosphere. Its structure is very complex. And it will make two layers: the hydrosphere and atmosphere.

The hydrosphere: is that which contains all the planet's water in oceans, rivers, lakes and aquifers.

The atmosphere: contains all those gases that allow us to breathe and move on with life.

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internal processes that create continental and submarine relief


I believe that the continents were formed Due to the movement of tectonic plates over the years and were masses of which were low and water but to be in constant crash were driving up flowing to the sea and creating large masses thus creating loscontinentes ROCs or the beginning of them.

explanatory theories for the creation of continental masses are saying that it is the mainland or what the land would contain dense materialesmenos rise and form the crust, this theory is proposed by a geologist Alfred Lothar and German meteorologist.

so Giving explanation to the creation of a large mass Pangea continrntal the culture was like a giant island surrounded by sea, after the time and the different movements within the earth began to separate creating two continents Laurasia and Godwna, mene these daroian way back to the current 5 continents which were formed over 135 million years. This Wergner Teri said.

What may have happened is that efectivammente acomulandose underwater landmasses were brought up that emerge punti comemnzo collided and where the elevation of tierray q rocks rocks found in the deep ocean are younger than the mountains of the earth's crust.
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is the Ministry of the combination of tectonic and magmatic processes which cause moviimento of lithosphere plates so the change shape of the reliefs found on continents and different elevacones in the lithosphere.

This process is explained as the theory of tectonic plates colliding against each other and Due to its shape, density and generates composite elements that impact a LaOtra from sinking and it is creating Ensim so the elections and because of this also tremors.

The way to disinter lithosphere tectonic plates which make it up as a tectonic layer which are:

* American * coconut
* * * From the Pacific
born or Easter * South American *


* * African Arabian

* Philippine * Indo-Australian Antarctic

The tectonic plates are bounded by an ocean floor, and the so-called subduction zones, where small gaps are formed and the molten material escapes favoring the volcanism.
This theory could be defined as devido very true that many factors have proven this theory devido.

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The seismicity is the study of all the features present inthe earthquake approaches, means that it is the analysis of this event and as happens in many also the amount of energy released, measured as magnitude.
tectonism: A set of internal forces that change the land relief, the which is divided into: diastrophism and volcanism.

earth tremors or earthquakes are the result of geologic processes, earthquakes are tectonic or volcanic origin, but unfortunately the actions of human er can also create one.

Simologia: The branch of geophysics that studies earthquakes or earthquakes, it involves the observation of natural ground vibrations and seismic signals created artificially.
The parts of the folds are
Anticline or * top: highest part.
* Siclinal or chasm, deeper region.
* Map tilt or axial intermediate part.

the folds are caused by:
* Contraction: Encgimiento from the Earth to cool
* Continental drift: Clash of two tectonic plates
* expansion: The ridges are found in the seafloor, are formed by upward movement of mantle convection, so that folding occurs in the oceanic crust.

terrestrial tremors genre by earth movements and between their parties and causes are:
epicenter: Place where seismic waves propagate in all directions, reaching the earth's crust.

* soil liquefaction: This is a seismic hazard, where there are buildings on land that has been filled, as they may lose the consistency and look quicksand when subjected wings shock waves of an earthquake.

* Epifoco or epicenter: A place where the earthquake was perceived with greater intensity and apartir which seismic waves propagate to the surface.

types of seismic waves:
P-waves (primary, longitudinal or pressure) can pass through liquids (more speed), solid and gas, they produce earthquakes sweeps.
-Wave L: (long and shallow), are slow and undulating.
S-waves (transverse or secondary sway), produce earthquakes trepilatorios, do not pass through liquids.

Seismograph: or measuring instrument which records seismic waves on a seismogram., This device provides data regarding the direction of wave propagation speed sismicasy, it registers P waves, L and S. Earthquakes spread through seismic waves, which speed depends on the density and elasticity of the rocks of the affected area.

intensive seismic scales:
* Richter: It measures the energy released at the focus of an earthquake with values \u200b\u200bof 1-9.
* Mercalli: Efectosc of an earthquake and damage values \u200b\u200bI and XII.

tremor types are:
* Espirogenicos: Your movement is vertical and his forces are forming continents and Nippur to subsidence that give the oceans.

* orogenic: trainers are movements mountains, are fast and forces horizontally. Agree with the elasticity of rocks, understanding and can withstand stress may form folds or faults.
* Tsunami: Are earthquakes that occur in the seabed, they cause vertical movement of large bodies of water, which form Call Ringtone devastating tsunami seismic waves.

and their classification is:

Macros: Earthquakes of great magnitude, and very well-known consequences.
Micro: very weak tremors.
And these are as follows:
-Trepilatorios horizontal movement, vertical movement.

seismic zones:
* aseismic: No tremors occur.
* Penisísmica: occasionally occur.
* Seismic: Always there are tremors

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Archean OR TRAINING (for more than 4000 million years)


& Azo: has no life, begins to cool the earth's crust is called Archaic intensa.También volcanic activity began with the appearance of the Earth 4600 million years ago.

& Archean: Exes water vapor in the atmosphere, shields are formed feoescandinavos, ciberianos, Canadian minerals and metamorphic rocks, rocks are graphite as indirect evidence of life.

& Proterozoic: raining hard, oceans form, is completed cool the Earth, fauna unicellular algae, some multicellular animals like protozoa.

OR PRIMARY Paleozoic (600 million years ago) .

Age of Trilobites:

& Cambrian : At this time there glaceaciones at the beginning of period, intense volcanic activity, formation of folds, Appalachian and Ural, marine animals such as Trilobites (no vertebrate) was characterized by the appearance of ferns, moss, coral, scorpions, sponges, etc.

& Ordovician: Pangea (large land mass), won volcanic activity, period of formation of reefs, dominated by limestone, and begin the first vertebrates.

fish was :

& Silurian : it appeared salamanders tracheids amphibians, arachnids and fish early. Still the Earth is formed in pangea, had a uniform climate throughout the Earth, tectonic movements were strong, folding and elevation of sediments, first fish, first land plants, and at the end of the first period began forests.

& Devonian : life ceased to be predominantly marine and amphibians appeared, pangea, had desert climate, lots of fish, amphibians and seaweed first .

Age of amphibians:

& Carboniferous : Vegetation, by decomposing, giving rise to coal deposits. During this period the emergence of large scale dragonflies and trees, formed dosmasas continental inmensom formed a sea on the mainland of Russia, had a hot and humid climate, coal formation layers from Britain to Germany, given early reptiles and insects , giant ferns, horsetails and swamp forests.

& Permian: the first reptiles appeared, Great Continent Southern, in the southern hemisphere is cold weather, while in the northern hemisphere climate is desert, is that time formed the mountains, Appalachians and Urals, large vertebrate amphibian tetrapods, and at the end of this period appear conifers.

OR HIGH Mesozoic Era (160 million years ago) .

Age of reptiles

& Triassic : Small continents, there was a dry-warm climate, rise up large tracts of land, there was very low volcanic activity, formed deposits of oil and flee, many reptiles (lizards) fin fish, palm trees and conifer cones.

& Jurassic : In this period the sea turns to Europe in a large archipelago, form the seasons, the alpine furrow sinks and fills with sediments appear gigantentes lizards (dinosaurs), giant reptiles, flying reptiles, birds and primitive mammals, plants fanaerogamas as Magnolia and Tulip.

& Cretaceous or Cretaceous : At this time dominated the seas, there are the Pyrenees, Carpathians, Andes and Rocky Mountains, this epocaa dinosaurs extinguirieron.A middle of this period were formed more than 50% of global oil reserves.

Cenozoic Era (more than 70 million years)


In this age of mammals appeared while the intense volcanic activity changed the earth's crust. Is divided into five geologic periods: Pliocene, Miocene, Oligocene, Eocene and Paleocene.

features of this era are: the successive advances of the sea retreats, first frost, folding, alpine Malaysian was that created the mountains, Alps, Balkans, Caucasus, to the Himalayas, intense volcanic activity, eroded the Grand Canyon, beaked birds, mammals and insects, primitive four-toed horses, mammoths, mastodons, whales, seals were adapted to marine life, and appear to the apes.


& Pleistocene diluvial: The continents and oceans have the same features that have now formed four separate glacial periods with very warm intervals which favor the things that led to man (from Australopithecus to modern man.) The distribution of the plates and volcanoes tectonnicas is currently known, existing plants and animals, evolution of hominids, it appears the man a million years ago.

& Holocene: Distribution of current land and water, current weather seasons, the glaciers retreated to the polar regions and high mountains, intensifies erosion, plants and animals present, current life.

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geological map projections

Map Projection

Maps are the source of information graphically represented in any study of the earth's surface, referring to the shapes, sizes representing a wide preccentandolos as drawings of the forms which are:

cylindrical projection: the projection that consists of wrapping the earthly sphere to a cylinder. This projection is very important for marine navigation, but the cons of this projection generate the points desasimetricos are away to Ecuador, as well as being a flat projection Ecuador and the parallel measure the same and losparalelos not bind the poles.

conic, is placed on the side of a hemisphere, a cone which supports the circumference of its base in a parallel, but only represents one hemisphere and the regions near the Ecuador will distort .

polar projection: the projection plane is supported from a pole hemisphere or even any point which projects a circle where the center of it is that he relies on a specific point on earth.

Homolosedoinal Representation: Represents the total land area of \u200b\u200ban ellipse divided into several segments. The size and shape of the continents appear with great accuracy but the disadvantage is that they lose continuity deform the oceanic areas.

Projection elliptical: is given in the formof an ellipsoid.