Joan Ginther would be a Mathematics teacher over (I still think the plural is not going to the discipline), if not for a small pittance that makes particular: won the lottery four times .
Your Set in the small rural town of Bishop (Texas, USA), which was a fairly anonymous resident until 1993 won (as shared) a prize of eleven million dollars .
It would be several years and in 2006 the teacher would earn a prize two million dollars , this time without sharing. A couple of years later (you already perfected the formula?) Our friend Joan earned three million dollars to her own. And in 2010 repeated the bump (corrected and expanded), winning a whopping ten million dollars (only correct).
I have no data to tell what is the probability of such success (how many numbers should make the Texas lottery and how many bought the teacher on each occasion), but something is sure: is an event statistically almost impossible.
People began to complain (because gossip is everywhere, even in Bishop) and then fixed it very easily Joan: left town , but not before his house to donate to a charity.
All I know is that he moved to Las Vegas (very appropriate for those who like gambling) and never appeared in his hometown.
Luck or something else? You decide .
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Monday, March 28, 2011
How To Extend An Ohio Drivers License
HOLA, guinea pig!
The World Health Organization has been forced to investigate thoroughly side effects of a vaccine against influenza A (H1N1) .
According to reports from health authorities Finland, have significantly increased cases of narcolepsy between subjects from 4 to 19 who received the vaccine there "Pandemrix" (manufactured by Glaxo), it was donated by WHO to about twenty countries.
The study by the Finns did not leave much doubt. According to them:
"The observed association is so obvious that it is unlikely that other factors may fully explain this phenomenon."
Before this mess, WHO has had to come to the fore. But he has done with many vigor: he only said the investigation is It will end up probably in August.
The World Health Organization has been forced to investigate thoroughly side effects of a vaccine against influenza A (H1N1) .
According to reports from health authorities Finland, have significantly increased cases of narcolepsy between subjects from 4 to 19 who received the vaccine there "Pandemrix" (manufactured by Glaxo), it was donated by WHO to about twenty countries.
The study by the Finns did not leave much doubt. According to them:
"The observed association is so obvious that it is unlikely that other factors may fully explain this phenomenon."
Before this mess, WHO has had to come to the fore. But he has done with many vigor: he only said the investigation is It will end up probably in August.
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Who's The Patron Saint Of Lymphoma
Enraged Mare Nostrum
A Virgi
elected at the painter's palette,
calm the fury of the wind, the fury of water.
disheveled, not a speck of sand is
dried on the beach, looking for traces of my footsteps.
Eolo rhythm
up its toes into the beach
plays lift forms of life.
clicking the label "LEVANTE"
the wind and the sea, other days ...
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Ven Diagrams With Excel Starter 2010
Times are determined where the oil wars, uprisings, revolutions and of course, the fluctuations of world stock .
course, the issue of energy resources is fertile ground for the usual parade of "experts" who talk and talk without saying anything concrete. One of the favorite topics is usually more efficient use of petroleum, which is always painted as a matter of great scientific laboratories villages (experts, missing again, I do propaganda other experts).
But what happens when a guy solve the problem? You want to know?
Tom Ogle, a person of which probably have not ever heard was a guy who walked over the matter. And never so well used the word "excessive."
Tom Good (shown in the photos in this post) was a young man of 24 who had a couple of bright ideas about carburetors and combustion, which led him in 1977 to make changes on a Ford Galaxy car of 1970.
The road test carried found out that the performance with the new system was 100 miles per gallon (ie 160 kilometers on less than a gallon of gasoline ), running an average of 60 miles per hour (ie 96 kilometers per hour ).
patented his system and began looking for investors. That's when he seemed to be in the middle of a desert on the planet Uranus. Some people approached, but then abruptly cut off contact, always with the excuse of having received "bad references" Tom project.
The young man could see with amazement that he was spreading false information everywhere against him and your project.
Finally, someone came out of nowhere unexpected, ready to buy your idea: an envoy from the Shell .
Of course, neither good nor Tom was foolish in the Shell had gone mad: if the company bought the project was to "boxes" indefinitely. The boy said no.
What happened next and imagine what . In 1979, "persons unknown" attacks against Tom Ogle shot at outside a roadside restaurant. With barely a scratch, was lucky enough to tell.
But in 1981, appeared at the door night of girlfriend, with obvious signs of mental confusion and physical difficulties. Collapsed without uttering a word, and in the ambulance, paramedics tried to resuscitate him three times in vain.
Officially, the cause of his death was due to the lethal combination of alcohol (which I ate) with a tranquilizer (Darvon) that no one had heard of that consumed.
What happened to the patent filed by Tom? Nobody knows for sure. It is located in the records.
sales rights to sell the invention came in 1978 to a firm in the city of Seattle (USA), which was suddenly entangled with tax problems with the federal government, which never came.
Things that happen (and still going).
Times are determined where the oil wars, uprisings, revolutions and of course, the fluctuations of world stock .
course, the issue of energy resources is fertile ground for the usual parade of "experts" who talk and talk without saying anything concrete. One of the favorite topics is usually more efficient use of petroleum, which is always painted as a matter of great scientific laboratories villages (experts, missing again, I do propaganda other experts).
But what happens when a guy solve the problem? You want to know?
Tom Ogle, a person of which probably have not ever heard was a guy who walked over the matter. And never so well used the word "excessive."
Tom Good (shown in the photos in this post) was a young man of 24 who had a couple of bright ideas about carburetors and combustion, which led him in 1977 to make changes on a Ford Galaxy car of 1970.
The road test carried found out that the performance with the new system was 100 miles per gallon (ie 160 kilometers on less than a gallon of gasoline ), running an average of 60 miles per hour (ie 96 kilometers per hour ).
patented his system and began looking for investors. That's when he seemed to be in the middle of a desert on the planet Uranus. Some people approached, but then abruptly cut off contact, always with the excuse of having received "bad references" Tom project.
The young man could see with amazement that he was spreading false information everywhere against him and your project.
Finally, someone came out of nowhere unexpected, ready to buy your idea: an envoy from the Shell .
Of course, neither good nor Tom was foolish in the Shell had gone mad: if the company bought the project was to "boxes" indefinitely. The boy said no.
What happened next and imagine what . In 1979, "persons unknown" attacks against Tom Ogle shot at outside a roadside restaurant. With barely a scratch, was lucky enough to tell.
But in 1981, appeared at the door night of girlfriend, with obvious signs of mental confusion and physical difficulties. Collapsed without uttering a word, and in the ambulance, paramedics tried to resuscitate him three times in vain.
Officially, the cause of his death was due to the lethal combination of alcohol (which I ate) with a tranquilizer (Darvon) that no one had heard of that consumed.
What happened to the patent filed by Tom? Nobody knows for sure. It is located in the records.
sales rights to sell the invention came in 1978 to a firm in the city of Seattle (USA), which was suddenly entangled with tax problems with the federal government, which never came.
Things that happen (and still going).
Friday, March 25, 2011
Sending Mail From Philippines To Korea
E s simple, the colors are like flavors. It has no key. Is covered with a cellophane sleeve, yes it's closer to the nose, all the pituitary starts. Just looking feel the need to read the golden letters eager to adorn their content, suggestive lines in relief. There is always someone who takes initiative and open, observing the forms tempting and seductive tones as locked in cells. The expression says it all. It has opened the box and is not Pandora . The eyes of others, is sometimes greedy, everyone thinks interested in taste, and savored the thought when the box comes before them. All muscles of taste is put into action, to which they have not yet reached the strict rotation, salivate upon hearing the blessings that others explain with his mouth full.
This intangible object goes hand in hand, not too fast. Everyone is impatient. No one takes a quick decision. Meanwhile, rife with the aromas emanating from nervousness. At a glance, flicking, otean the way, the content, even look sideways to see who has the best, the best color or taste better. There are topics to discuss for a while. Is bluntly talk about calories, and is bluntly puts his hand before they run out, and if there is a second round is better. Finally
board is soft, your content is tasty and delicious. There are people who believe and claim to be a divine gift, something sinful.
Now that the box is already open someone says at the bottom of the table, "are copyright ... Do you want a chocolate?".
This intangible object goes hand in hand, not too fast. Everyone is impatient. No one takes a quick decision. Meanwhile, rife with the aromas emanating from nervousness. At a glance, flicking, otean the way, the content, even look sideways to see who has the best, the best color or taste better. There are topics to discuss for a while. Is bluntly talk about calories, and is bluntly puts his hand before they run out, and if there is a second round is better. Finally
board is soft, your content is tasty and delicious. There are people who believe and claim to be a divine gift, something sinful.
Now that the box is already open someone says at the bottom of the table, "are copyright ... Do you want a chocolate?".
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Can You Use Lemon Pledg
We talked several times to our friend Anna Chapman, example of career changes if any. It started as
spy and was not very good (half Chambon, must be said). Then reinvented himself as sexy model, pulling some nice pics for Maxim magazine (that did very well).
Then, we tell the good Anita was preparing to start a career in television presenter, which eventually did. The program is proving a complete success, based on certain cases of paranormal and mysterious events which, invariably, the Chapman is a logical explanation for everything.
Their role is something like that of''devil's advocate ", dedicated to exposing alleged fraud.
One of the recent cases was speaking of a child who suffered from a strange phenomenon: in his body appeared drawn marks that were not nothing but verses from the Koran .
This phenomenon would have begun in 2009, when the child was born in Dagestan, a republic that integrates the Russian Federation. And it would not have been an old wives' tale, if it were not happening continued, was endorsed by religious authorities and came to be regarded almost as a miracle .
Miracles are not very suitable to the political authorities, especially if they occur in the context of a religion as busy as today is Islam. Therefore, someone had to open the jar and cameras to show that it was a fraud. That someone turned out to be Anita .
Faster than lightning, Chapman went to the scene, the creature was tried under dermatologically tested (to confirm that their parents are those who write in your body) and the refusal, denounced the whole case as an egregious fraud. Rumour
was an errand done for and on behalf of Russian officialdom, whose party has joined our friend Anita recently.
Add to this that the girl patented his name as a trademark would designer space suits and even launched its own website, can see here . Invoice
the Rusita .
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Extend Electrical Outlets For Tile
Monday, March 21, 2011
Dell Optiplex Gx620 Windows 7 Drivers
A series of declassified from the UK government, possible to assume (again) that research on UFOs and aliens has been done under the table for many years, trying to keep the secret for all means.
Our story begins in the tiny nation of Grenada, made up of a number of Caribbean islands of which, strictly speaking, the bigger of them the same name.
Back in 1977, the situation of disappearances in the famous Bermuda Triangle and the many events related to UFOs, made the issue a matter of State for the government of Grenada.
The Prime Minister then called Eric Gairy and was a very practical person. Meditated at length on the matter and arrived at what seemed like a good solution: raise the issue at the highest international organizations.
To that end came to the United Nations , where he made a statement in which he urged to study the UFO phenomenon seriously.
Being the first time that such issue was raised at the world body, one can say that was a surprise to the representatives. But not so lost on the request, because it happened that the secretary general of the United Nations (Kurt Waldheim) was in favor of encouraging such research.
The result was that by 1979, we were able to articulate a large-scale conference on the UFO phenomenon, held in Miami, with the presence of several scientists and ufologists, under United Nations auspices.
The next picture shows several of the participants during the course of the conference. You can see the astronaut Gordon Cooper , scientists and ufologists Allen Hynek and Jacques Vallé , a couple of French aerospace scientists and Eric Gairy himself with Kurt Waldheim.
In particular, the central idea of \u200b\u200bEric Gairy passed by creating an agency to study UFOs under UN control . This seemed fairly consistent (since the phenomenon was observed throughout the world), there was nevertheless pleasing most governments of weight, which had their own plans.
Now, thanks to the declassification of files you mentioned, it is known that Eric was good Britain's unofficial pressure to withdraw its proposal . Pressures to which he ignored.
And whether coincidentally or not, man's initiative did not prosper because, while developing the conference in Miami, a coup was stripped of power in Granada .
Things happen.
A series of declassified from the UK government, possible to assume (again) that research on UFOs and aliens has been done under the table for many years, trying to keep the secret for all means.
Our story begins in the tiny nation of Grenada, made up of a number of Caribbean islands of which, strictly speaking, the bigger of them the same name.
Back in 1977, the situation of disappearances in the famous Bermuda Triangle and the many events related to UFOs, made the issue a matter of State for the government of Grenada.
The Prime Minister then called Eric Gairy and was a very practical person. Meditated at length on the matter and arrived at what seemed like a good solution: raise the issue at the highest international organizations.
To that end came to the United Nations , where he made a statement in which he urged to study the UFO phenomenon seriously.
Being the first time that such issue was raised at the world body, one can say that was a surprise to the representatives. But not so lost on the request, because it happened that the secretary general of the United Nations (Kurt Waldheim) was in favor of encouraging such research.
The result was that by 1979, we were able to articulate a large-scale conference on the UFO phenomenon, held in Miami, with the presence of several scientists and ufologists, under United Nations auspices.
The next picture shows several of the participants during the course of the conference. You can see the astronaut Gordon Cooper , scientists and ufologists Allen Hynek and Jacques Vallé , a couple of French aerospace scientists and Eric Gairy himself with Kurt Waldheim.
In particular, the central idea of \u200b\u200bEric Gairy passed by creating an agency to study UFOs under UN control . This seemed fairly consistent (since the phenomenon was observed throughout the world), there was nevertheless pleasing most governments of weight, which had their own plans.
Now, thanks to the declassification of files you mentioned, it is known that Eric was good Britain's unofficial pressure to withdraw its proposal . Pressures to which he ignored.
And whether coincidentally or not, man's initiative did not prosper because, while developing the conference in Miami, a coup was stripped of power in Granada .
Things happen.
What Size Stirrup Webbers
Fishing Weekend
weekend in San Jose has been one of those beautiful weekend to enjoy the countryside, nature and especially the river and its fisheries.
have been days of high temperatures and it showed on the banks of the river, especially on Saturday and Sunday in "La Serena" there was a pin on the banks
There have been many who have set their poles and tools in the car and have fallen into the river to enjoy the weekend, and if we add that carp, catfish and bream were like "crazy" for chopping, the result has been fantastic (sun - "beach" - picnic - fishing - etc.).
fotillos Here you have some this weekend.
Click on image to view all photos.
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Sports Club In Ny With Indoor Basketball
Here I failure to warn that it is the 00.20 h
just come spring!
March 21
World Poetry Day
Tribute to Soren Peñalver
Museo Ramón Gaya.
This link , Pedro Soler interview
Friday, March 18, 2011
Star Wars Pinewood Derby Cars Templates
The world of chance and the "coincidences" can also have tragic trim. At least, that was the case that occurred in Hamilton (Bermuda) in 1975, when a young man named Lawrence Ebbin Erskin made a bad maneuver driving a small motorcycle and went crashing into a taxi, with such consequences that died.
When police arrived on the scene found the driver and his passenger visibly altered. And with good reason: exactly one year ago, the same driver driving the same passenger had crashed into a motorcycle, the young man who died was driving .
For both men, then, the sorry episode was a deja-vu of an event already had lived.
But there was something more rugged yet: when police found the boy's identity, it was found that brother who had died in the accident last year . And if the "coincidences" were not enough, the bike was the same and both brothers died of the same age , 17.
Enough is enough.
The world of chance and the "coincidences" can also have tragic trim. At least, that was the case that occurred in Hamilton (Bermuda) in 1975, when a young man named Lawrence Ebbin Erskin made a bad maneuver driving a small motorcycle and went crashing into a taxi, with such consequences that died.
When police arrived on the scene found the driver and his passenger visibly altered. And with good reason: exactly one year ago, the same driver driving the same passenger had crashed into a motorcycle, the young man who died was driving .
For both men, then, the sorry episode was a deja-vu of an event already had lived.
But there was something more rugged yet: when police found the boy's identity, it was found that brother who had died in the accident last year . And if the "coincidences" were not enough, the bike was the same and both brothers died of the same age , 17.
Enough is enough.
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Cheap Plastic Use Snowboard
No, I will not speak of "Invasion of the world - Battle of Los Angeles" ("Battle LA"), because it seems that there is much (good) to say. Critics speak of " other Independence Day, but argument" also " a kind of Black Hawk Down, Somali aliens changing " and, in general, what we hear is that it is a mixture of explosions and corny.
But I stop at a point that interests me: according to official review of the film, "was inspired by the so-called Battle of Los Angeles, no clear episode of the Second World War."
What was then that episode? Step to tell.
The year is 1942 and did not appear to be very auspicious for the United States. Its Pacific fleet had just been almost destroyed in Pearl Harbor and, instead, the Japanese imperialist adventure seemed to go smoothly.
was fear of an invasion, not only in Hawaiian or other Pacific Islands but also in the continental USA. And there was less fear of spoilers, which could lead submarine or parachute. All this was to be lived in alert, watchful attention.
And something happened in the night 24 to February 25, 1942 , which would be called "The Battle of Los Angeles."
at 3:16 am, after sirens sounded in Los Angeles, was ordered to a Coast Artillery Brigade who opened fire with antiaircraft guns. reason? A report of a sighting of an unidentified aerial craft. observers were unable to establish what kind of ship it was, despite being trained for it, because it did not match any known apparatus.
At the same time, gave the alert fighter aircraft Interceptor Command, but the left on the ground to avoid being damaged by flak own.
artillery batteries did their thing and fired about 1400 shells , until he cease-fire order at 4:14 am Then he continued sweeping the night sky with searchlights, where you just at 7 : 21 is closed the alert.
What was the outcome of the busy night? For starters, six people were killed (three of them by heart attacks caused by panic unleashed). And the incident received front page coverage in every newspaper in the West Coast and was widely discussed on radio.
But what concerns us is: what was it that was that night? is known that it was not an airplane or a balloon Japanese (it was investigated in Nipponese files at the end of the war.) However, this was the first explanation given at the time: as there was no bombing, concluded that there was a Japanese military unit, but civil apparatus of that country, used to fly over Los Angeles as a psychological weapon .
Beyond that Japanese records do not indicate any mission in Los Angeles that night, I invite you to reflect for a second The enormity of the blunder that intended to use as official explanation for the sighting: imagine a passenger plane at the time, unarmed, who draws upon himself a hell of flak and leaves intact (and all to do a little noise and cause a little fear).
When the press was (obviously) skeptical about the official explanation that became "was all a false alarm." amendment was not better than the sonnet. Several newspapers spoke of the military reluctance to tell the truth about the case, attempts at censorship by the military and covert operations in the area in subsequent days.
However, in the midst of a war, more news soon covered up to this strange sighting never satisfactorily explained. That was called (with or without cause) the Battle of Los Angeles.
No, I will not speak of "Invasion of the world - Battle of Los Angeles" ("Battle LA"), because it seems that there is much (good) to say. Critics speak of " other Independence Day, but argument" also " a kind of Black Hawk Down, Somali aliens changing " and, in general, what we hear is that it is a mixture of explosions and corny.
But I stop at a point that interests me: according to official review of the film, "was inspired by the so-called Battle of Los Angeles, no clear episode of the Second World War."
What was then that episode? Step to tell.
The year is 1942 and did not appear to be very auspicious for the United States. Its Pacific fleet had just been almost destroyed in Pearl Harbor and, instead, the Japanese imperialist adventure seemed to go smoothly.
was fear of an invasion, not only in Hawaiian or other Pacific Islands but also in the continental USA. And there was less fear of spoilers, which could lead submarine or parachute. All this was to be lived in alert, watchful attention.
And something happened in the night 24 to February 25, 1942 , which would be called "The Battle of Los Angeles."
at 3:16 am, after sirens sounded in Los Angeles, was ordered to a Coast Artillery Brigade who opened fire with antiaircraft guns. reason? A report of a sighting of an unidentified aerial craft. observers were unable to establish what kind of ship it was, despite being trained for it, because it did not match any known apparatus.
At the same time, gave the alert fighter aircraft Interceptor Command, but the left on the ground to avoid being damaged by flak own.
artillery batteries did their thing and fired about 1400 shells , until he cease-fire order at 4:14 am Then he continued sweeping the night sky with searchlights, where you just at 7 : 21 is closed the alert.
What was the outcome of the busy night? For starters, six people were killed (three of them by heart attacks caused by panic unleashed). And the incident received front page coverage in every newspaper in the West Coast and was widely discussed on radio.
But what concerns us is: what was it that was that night? is known that it was not an airplane or a balloon Japanese (it was investigated in Nipponese files at the end of the war.) However, this was the first explanation given at the time: as there was no bombing, concluded that there was a Japanese military unit, but civil apparatus of that country, used to fly over Los Angeles as a psychological weapon .
Beyond that Japanese records do not indicate any mission in Los Angeles that night, I invite you to reflect for a second The enormity of the blunder that intended to use as official explanation for the sighting: imagine a passenger plane at the time, unarmed, who draws upon himself a hell of flak and leaves intact (and all to do a little noise and cause a little fear).
When the press was (obviously) skeptical about the official explanation that became "was all a false alarm." amendment was not better than the sonnet. Several newspapers spoke of the military reluctance to tell the truth about the case, attempts at censorship by the military and covert operations in the area in subsequent days.
However, in the midst of a war, more news soon covered up to this strange sighting never satisfactorily explained. That was called (with or without cause) the Battle of Los Angeles.
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